Mothers of children of all ages are welcome.

Mom Energetics

Are you ready to embody the Mother you truly are? The patient, present, powerful, and playful mom you know you can be, and actually are. 

Are you ready to bring the Goddess that you are to your mothering? Sharing the sacred power, the unconditional love, and wisdom of the ages with your child(ren), and giving them permission to embody their own inner goddess/king? 

Are you ready to finally feel like you belong in a sisterhood of powerful, loving, supportive, and ispiring mamas just like you? Feeling held, seen, understood, celebrated, and championed so you can continue to rise as a mother, for your children, for your family, for your lineage. 

Mom energetics is a rare and unique journey blending the Eastern teachings from the ages, the mystery schools, and from the divine intelligence, as well as those from the schools of psychology, psychotherapy, family therapy, attachment theory, child development, and so much more! 

Embody the divine mother you truly are as you learn to tap into your Akashic Records, work with your own and your child’s bioenergetic field, release any conscious or unconscious blocks with Sacred Fire practices, and receive weekly Kundalini Activation.

Elements of Mom Energetics

throughout Mom Energetics we will cover in-depth topics around connection with your higher self and your energetic connection with your child/ren.

Akashic Records

Learn to access the cosmic library of infinite wisdom from unlimited divine sources which offers crystal-clear bespoke guidance for you and your child. This is not a cookie-cutter approach to mothering, but instead allows you to intuitively raise your child(ren) with guidance that is aligned to both yours and your child’s soul purpose.


Understand the power of your biofield and energetic connections as a catalyst for transformation for you and your family. By learning how to work consciously with your biofield and attune to theirs, you are empowered to nurture divine, loving, and healing energetic connections with your child(ren).

Raising Frequency

Receiving Kundalini Activation and the Sacred Fire frequency each week supports you to raise your frequency and further ignite the power of your biofield as a woman and mother. - Kundalini Activation taps into the sacred feminine, enhancing creativity and intuition by connecting to the divine within, fostering self-discovery, removing limiting beliefs, revealing the inner goddess, and uniting individuals with the universe to promote authenticity.

Activating Sacred Power

Sacred Fire is a unique and potent frequency that is a gateway for you to access your innate sacred power. 

This frequency brings to the light your wounding, your conditioning, your habits, and all parts of you that is attached to your limits. It ignites the deepest courage and strength to transmute these limits so you can fully embody your sacred power and your essence which is divine love. 

Through an activation of your Sacred Fire Self, and the embodiment of this frequency through channelled therapeutic practices, you REMEMBER your truth, welcome home who you truly are, and fiercely step into your fullest and most powerful nature as a woman and mother. 


when women come together with a shared intention, magic happens. Returning to our tribal roots, we remember what it's like to mother in community. To be held in divine love and support. To be witnessed in our vulnerability, in our messiness, in our rising, in our celebrations, and to be loved through it all. Mom Energetics brings you the sisterhood of women that goes beyond the live journey so you can lean in whenever you need, in whatever way feels aligned.

Teachings of Mom Energetics are rooted in Psychology, Psychotherapy, Family Systems Therapy, Attachment Theory, brain science and nervous system regulation, as well as Eastern schools of wisdom including the angelic realm, goddess frequencies, Akashic records, Quantum Healing, and Sacred Space Holding containers.

Sharlena and Donna beautifully blend their medicines and energies to bring the most balanced and expansive experience for you to fully integrate this profound wisdom and RISE into the sacred mother you truly are. 

Who are we:

Donna Hayes

Donna is a Sacred Fire Mama of two goddesses, living in Dublin, Ireland. With a background in the field of mental health for almost 20 years, having trained in clinical psychology and practicing as psychotherapist for 12 years, Donna brings a wealth of knowledge and experience about child development, family systems, generational trauma and conditioning, the nervous system and regulation, and working with highly sensitive souls. Having worked holistically, blending energetic practices and modalities with brain science, psychology, and therapeutic approaches, Donna was then gifted the Sacred Fire frequency. Through her own activation and embodiment of this frequency, she has supported many women and mothers to access and embody their sacred power with channelled therapeutic practices and activations. Recently training as a facilitator in Kundalini Activation has brought all this together, through meeting Sharlena and birthing the new Mom Energetics transmission for mamas who are called to mother consciously and freely from their sacred power.

Sharlena (Lena) Naico

Lena is a mama of one little king, living in Colorado, USA. She is a dedicated healer and teacher at Embodying Soul Growth, specializing in Kundalini activation, Akashic Records, Quantum Healing, and Angel, Elemental, & Moon Magic. With a passion for creating sacred spaces, she empowers individuals to reconnect with their authentic selves and unlock their true potential. Through personalized guidance and transformative practices, Lena helps clients gently peel away the layers that block their divine essence, cultivating a purifying experience of oneness and non-duality.

Mom Energetics was a transmission that came through me from the divine. Soaking in a salt bath one evening with my Akashic Records open, the angels guided me to teach the mamas how to support their children energetically. And when spirit speaks, I listen.

Welcome to Mom Energetics

Mom Energetics is your activation to stepping into your power as the empowered and loving mother you truly are.

✨Live sessions hosted online

✨Weekly Kundalini Activation

✨Sacred Fire Activation

✨Bonus Recorded Meditations/Quantum Healing Activations

✨WhatsApp group community, lifetime access, we’re building a tribe of like-minded mamas

What mamas are saying about this journey:

“I opened my records last night and had the most beautiful sensations and relaxation I’ve had in a while. After dropping in and getting acquired to the space, I ask for guidance on becoming more aware and clear on my gifts in this world and realm. Before I knew it my hand was writing things that I would never dare to say. Quite outlandish things when I look back and read and there is no doubt in my mind that this is clear communication and guidance and not coming from Self. So divine. It was very affirming and things I needed to hear for my journey this year. I have big big big dreams for my life. Sometimes it’s hard for me to be patient and slow down. It was made clear that I am deep in learning and training and that my time to teach will come and that just by sharing and showing up authentically can be so important for the collective. I feel very lit up today. Some days when I’m alone with my kids all day it can feel like a lot. Today has felt easy and easeful and I find myself smiling knowing I’m so supported in every aspect of my being here on earth.” - Emma

Powerful transformation, Live experience, Replays for life, community

Live Teachings & Energetic Activations weekly beginning March 8th

March 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th at 9am-11am MDT (4pm-6pm GMT)

Each live journey is a blend of teachings, receiving energetic activations, and sharing in circle. These live transmissions are potent and offer you the opportunity to learn new skills, practice together, ask questions and receive wisdom specific to you/your child, while also being fully held and supported by both ourselves and the other mamas.


Available to you for $888.

Early Bird pricing: $666 - expires 2/22

Payment plans available, Affirm & Klarna payment options for as low as $44/month

*Scholarship options available for single mamas and stay-at-home moms - Contact us here or message either of us on Instagram to discuss the options available.

IG: Lena @EmbodyingSoulGrowth Donna @Donnahayes_ladyshakti

Early Bird pricing ends 2/22