Each individual has a core vibration; a soul frequency that IS them, that is the frequency of their soul.
Soul Remembrance is aligning with your highest frequency, your highest destiny,
your soul purposefully.
Soul Alignment is when the magic of Kundalini Activation, Breathwork, and accessing the Akashic Records for guidance come together to remove the barriers between you and your soul’s frequency. Infused together, this journey reveals your divine essence—a pure state that honors your highest potential. This awakening unlocks your hidden abilities, helping you live authentically and passionately.
When you re-align with your soul’s frequency, many things can happen:
you may accelerate your spiritual awakening and gain a deep understanding of your truth and your soul’s lineage
you may find more clarity and have the confidence to take action
You may meet yourself in past life versions of you or connect directly with your higher self
You may meet your spirit guides and receive divine guidance on taking aligned action
You may feel memories or deep suppressed emotions surface. you have to feel it to heal it, this is your body supporting you in releasing the attachment that these lower vibrational frequencies have over your being. When stored trauma leaves the body you may feel shaking as a nervous system response: you may feel an urge to move the energy through your body or you may feel trembling throughout your body.
you may shift your perception and awareness reaching higher states of consciousness
you may release addictions or beliefs that no longer serve you
you may choose to live to your full potential, choosing to take aligned action and living with passion and purpose. It’s never been a dream, your highest frequency meets your highest reality/destiny.
I’ve received many different teachings on how to raise our frequency. This is not intensive breathing. this is not intensive movements in the body. This is surrendering into your being. Opening and allowing yourself to receive support energetically while raising your frequency.
As you surrender and allow the energy to awaken, it can be an intense, yet beautiful experience…it can also be very subtle.
The divine feminine does not force, she meets you where you are and where your nervous system is ready.
Each time you receive a soul alignment session will be a completely different experience.
Your nervous system will allow more to come through, a deeper experience, each time that you receive this channel of aligning with your soul’s frequency. The more you open to this frequency the more your body self clears and activates your infinite potential and portal of living purposefully. There are no guarantees - you don’t receive what you want, only what you need. This energy work is safe for all people, if you have any doubts please reach out and we can see if you are able to book a session.
There are many ways to work with Soul Alignment: (Click to Book)
1:1 Soul Alignment Mentorship where we work together for 9 weeks, and you fully commit to taking aligned action and you continue to receive support with raising your frequency. I recommend this because each time we work together, the sessions are deeper and more empowering. Apply HERE
I choose to embody this frequency because it has completely set me free from limiting beliefs.
This is not a “modality”, this is a way of being, a raising of your frequency and enlightenment in your journey.
Preparing for a Soul Alignment Session
Nourishing your nervous system can help your experience of surrender go that much smoother. If you have worked with meditation, yoga or breath work it’s a beautiful time to do these practices the day before or day of a session.
You also don’t need to do anything prior. If the above stresses you out, arrive as you are. That is perfect too.
What you should do before a session:
fast from eating 2-3 hours prior to your session (hydration okay) If you’re a breastfeeding mama or really need something eat light, like fruit and honey
no alcohol 24 hours prior
if you’ve had plant medicine like Ayahuasca or San Pedro it’s best to wait for at least a week after
Avoid substances on the day of your journey, substances can include sugar and caffeine. Only you know what your body needs. (Cacao is recommended if you’d like something)
be sure you set up ample time after the session to integrate and ground in nature if possible and nourish your body and heart
if you ingest alcohol after the session it will diminish the effects, so it’s important to do your best to integrate the energy in an intentional way and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours
During a Session
You will lie down on a flat comfortable surface, the bed is okay. A spot that is comfortable, but not so comfortable you fall asleep. You will open your hands to receive similar to savasana pose in yoga. And then you will close your eyes and listen to the music and my voice as I guide you on your journey. I open the Akashic Records and the energetic field and connect to your frequency bringing intention to your chakras and energy centers. Moving the energy and guiding it through.
You may feel spontaneous movement, you may want to sing, scream, primal sounds may come through, you may cry, shake, laugh, dance, activate light language. Also nothing may happen. All is allowed in this sacred space. There is no wrong way to receive this work as long as you are authentic to yourself. This is an invitation to allow your soul to express itself freely.
Once the journey is complete, we hold space together allowing whatever needs to come through to support you as you integrate.
Integration after Soul Alignment
Integration is allowing yourself to take what you discovered in your session put it into action and integrate it into your current reality.
After a session the energy is potent and intense. This is heightened Kundalini raw life force energy - the energy of All creation and deep connection with your Soul’s frequency. Your mind, body, and soul shift into unity.
Reflect on your session and become aware of any changes you are ready to make in your reality to continue to embody this frequency. Pay attention to those you meet, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy nature to help integrate this energy.
Avoid alcohol and substances afterward, as they can weaken the energetic changes.
It’s normal to feel sensitive during this time; you are shedding what no longer serves you. You may experience purging symptoms, like feeling unwell and needing rest, as everyone’s experience is unique.
Connecting with the vibrant energy of nature—whether through grounding yourself on the earth, swimming in a serene body of water, or enjoying the refreshing sensation of a shower—can be incredibly helpful for both your mind and spirit. Embracing these natural elements nurtures a deeper sense of peace and rejuvenation within you. Salt baths are my favorite way to integrate.
You may notice a headache from third eye activation or feel a burst of creativity.
Use the energy as you wish—dance if you feel like it, or enjoy quietness if that’s what you need.
I'm here to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out for additional help. I'm honored to guide you on this journey.
There is no overdoing it or maximum amount. This journey is in your hands. If you want to do a session once a week or more go for it. If you feel one a month is more your thing, do that. Allow your intuition and energy system to guide you. For Soul Remembrance, we have 1-2 sessions per day.
Your Sensitivity to aligning with your Highest Frequency
You will be more or less sensitive to this stream of raw life force energy within a session. Some have intense physical spontaneous movements that may include kriyas or yoga postures and others have little to no movement. Those that have inward journeys can still have profound experiences with messages, visions and insights. You may feel third-opening, tingling through the arms and hands. Some may take time to naturally open to this frequency. Mostly, there is no need to judge or measure your sensitivity - over time as you are exposed and as you work with this energy on your own you will explore it within your vessel and intuitively know how to work with or access it. Anything is possible. Be open to this beautiful world of awakening.
Where does this energy originate from?
This is sacred ancient energy coming from Mother Earth herself. We have access to a beautiful gift. It’s said to originate from Africa.
This gift allows us to remember who we truly are.
Now it is time to honor my teachers:
Kelsey Phillips (IG @Shaktimama). She took several Kundalini Activation trainings and transformed the teachings through her remembrance of her soul’s journey. Through her remembrance, she created this Sacred Feminine process of Kundalini Activation. If the facilitator path calls to you, here is a link to the Temple of KA, where I received my facilitator training. This is not just a “modality”, this is a way of being. Choosing to embody the divine mother frequency.
Amy Robeson - She is an Akashic Records master teacher who taught me how to open the Akashic records. She also taught me how to utilize the power of crystals to support in healing. If you are interested in becoming certified in the Sacred Feminine process of Akashic Record reading certification, please read more about this journey HERE.
Sianna Sherman - SHe taught me the power of rituals and creating sacred spaces and altars. She also taught me elemental magic.